Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Newsletter #1 - 8/31/16

Welcome to Mrs. Wallis’ Third Grade Class

August 31, 2016

Dear Students, Parents, and Friends,

Welcome to third grade and Team Independence!  I am looking forward to working with all of your children and you this school year.  Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself if I did not meet you at conferences or the HCS Ice Cream Social.

We will have a snack period every morning.  Please provide a healthy snack for your child each day.  If you are unable to do so, please let me know.  I usually have some extra snacks in the classroom.  Students can also get an apple from the cafeteria.

All third grade students will have recess from 12:20-12:40 and lunch from 12:40-1:00.  Since our lunch is late in the day, it is very important that students eat something during our snack period.

Our third graders have an exciting Unified Arts schedule.  This year our class’s schedule is:
Monday- World Language & Library
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- World Language & Physical Education
Friday- Physical Education

During the school year, we will study many different, interesting topics.  Third grade topics include:

Social Science: Science (NGSS):
Native Americans Weather & Climate
Explorers Forces & Interactions
Colonial America Life Cycles
Geography Ecosystems

Students have a Home/School folder.  This folder will be sent home on nights students have papers to share with you or when they have homework.  Please try and return the folder the next day.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  My email address is:  I do not always check my email during the school day, so if you need to reach your child during the day, please contact the office.

Kerri F. Wallis

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