Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Newsletter 10/14/16

October 14, 2016

Dear Families,
The weather is getting colder so we would like to remind students to wear warm clothing to school.  Many children are getting cold at recess time because they do not have a jacket to wear.  We love taking them outside so we appreciate it very much if they have clothing that is best for the weather.  Thank you for your support!

Math:  We just finished our first math unit, Addition & Subtraction Patterns.  Next week, we will start unit 2, Introduction to Multiplication.  Students should continue practicing their addition and subtraction facts at home.  

Spelling:  Students have spelling tests once a week.  Students should practice their words all week.  They can do the optional spelling activities and/or use Spelling City at home.  We use Spelling City at school and students really enjoy it!                                              

Writing:  We have been working on how to write a good paragraph.  Students are using this information to revise their narratives.
Students are learning to write in cursive.  They need to know how to read cursive writing as they go on to older grades because much of American history is written in cursive.  If you want to teach your child how to write their name in cursive that would be very helpful!

Reading:  This week we have focused on reading fluency which includes phrasing, rate, expression, accuracy and paying attention to punctuation marks.  Later on, they will learn about Reader’s Theater where they will be able to practice what they know about reading fluently!

Social Science:  Ms. Wright’s class has finished learning about the Woodland Indians and are concentrating on the other tribes across North America.  They are also learning about many map skills during our geography time.

Parent Conferences: Parent conferences start next week.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like a conference and have not already scheduled one!

Curriculum Night: The third grade Curriculum night will be on Wednesday, October 19th at 5:30.  We hope to see you there!

Picture Retakes:  Picture Retakes will be on Wednesday, October 19th in the morning.  

Halloween:  As you know, Halloween is held on a Monday this year.  We are still deciding what kind of celebration to have for our team and will let you know as soon as possible.

Apology:  I want to apologize as my sign up genius did not go out to parents yet.  I thought it was sent, but something went wrong.  I will send it out after school today.
I am so sorry for this inconvenience!  Thank you for your understanding.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Joyce & Kerri

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