Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Newsletter #3 - 9/23/16

Friday September 23, 2016

Dear Families,

It was a wonderful week in third grade.  Students were very busy!  We are settling into our routines and making great progress.  

Literacy: We have completed the reading assessments for all students on our team!  We look forward to using this data to help us personalize your child’s reading instruction.  Next week, we will begin drafting our personal narratives.  Just a reminder that reading graphs are due every Friday.  Thank you for your support!

Math: This week, we continued to practice our addition and subtraction strategies.  We played some great games that reinforced these strategies.  Students can continue working on their basic computation skills at home.  Students have access to Fastt Math and DreamBox through our school website.  The username is your child’s first and last name capitalized (ex. KerriWallis) and the password is math.

Science - We started our “Weather Wednesday” this week.  Students collected temperature data for Hinesburg and an international location.  They will collect data throughout the school year.  At the end of the year, we will take a look at this data and analyze it.  We also learned how to identify different types of clouds, so that we can predict weather.  Students should be looking for these different cloud types in the sky!

Social Science:  Ms. Wright’s class is learning about the Eastern Woodland Indians’ homes called longhouses.  Many families lived in one longhouse together.  Ask your child what else they know about this subject!

If your child is participating in the Genevieve’s Fundraiser, it is due back to school by October 5th.

PIE Morning Mingle: It was very nice to see parents at the PIE breakfast on Thursday.
Thank you for attending if you were able to do so!  We know how difficult it can be to go to events first thing in the morning!

Drill: We had our first evacuation drill on Thursday.  Our students did an excellent job!  They must remain quiet walking all the way to the church which is not an easy task!  

Have a great weekend!
The Third Grade Teachers

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