Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Newsletter - 10/20/16

October 20, 2016

Dear Families,

Students are excited to have a three day weekend.  Please remember that there is no school tomorrow, Friday October 21st.  If you have not signed up for a parent conference, please contact your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.  Thank you!
Math:  We started our new unit this week.  Students used stamp arrays to look at groups (in rows and columns).  Students are finding the link between repetitive addition and multiplication.  We further reinforced this idea with a fun game called “Loops and Groups.”  This game gives students a visual representation of the parts of a multiplication equation.

Spelling: Our spelling test for this last week will be on Monday!  Students can study over the weekend and we will take the test during class on Monday.  Remember, students can access their Spelling City accounts at home!                              

Reading:  Please remember to fill out the reading graph and turn it in every Friday.
Thank you for your support!

Social Science:  Ms. Wright’s class is working on researching a Native American tribe of their choice.  They are learning how to take notes from non-fiction books and web path express web sites.  They are only using these resources at this time.  We do not encourage using Wikipedia or Google at school.

Science: Mrs. Wallis’ class started our new unit, Forces and Motion.  Students are exploring magnetic force.  They were able to investigate what magnets stick to.  In addition, students used string, straws, wooden sticks, and other items to investigate magnetic fields.  We will continue having “Weather Wednesdays” for the rest of the school year, too.

Curriculum Night: Thank you to those of you who attended Curriculum night last night!  You can view our Google Presentation on the team independence blog : .

Halloween:  As you know, Halloween is held on a Monday this year.  We will be celebrating in our classrooms from 1:00 - 1:45.  A room parent or teacher will be contacting you regarding food and drinks to donate for our celebration.  Students will be able to wear costumes at the party only.  They will have to change again at the end of the day.  We ask that students do not wear make-up, masks or anything violent (such as blood, swords, guns, etc.)

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Joyce & Kerri

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