September 16, 2016
Dear Families,
We successfully completed our first full week of school. We look forward to learning about students hopes and dreams for this semester as they share their academic and personal goals.
In math we have finished reviewing our addition strategies and we started our baseline Math Assessments. Next week we will focus on our subtraction strategies. We’ve also begun using Dreambox and Fastt Math here at school. Both of these programs can also be accessed at home.
Our first writing unit will be on narrative writing. We are focusing on personal true stories. Students have been learning different strategies to brainstorm ideas for their stories. Students are now writing a complete page and will continue to add to the length of their stories.
We’ve enjoyed listening to all our students read as we do our fall assessments. We are pleased that many of our students maintained their spring levels and are ready to make growth. Please help remind your child about the significance of practicing their books regularly. We hope the reading graph is a useful way for students to show their time spent reading.
In Science, Mrs. Wallis’ class is all set-up for “Weather Wednesday.” Once a week students will record our local weather and a select location around the world. We will also continue with our Mystery Science lessons. Last week students investigated, “Where do clouds come from?” Next students will get a chance to be meteorologist as they answer the question, “How can we predict when it is going to storm?” This week we would like students to write and share weather stories. It can be a storm the student remembers or they can interview a family member about a storm they recall.
Mrs. Wright’s class filled out a table to compare different Native American tribes. We compared where they lived, how they got their food and what their homes looked like.
School pictures will be next Wednesday September 21, 2016. Students should return their picture forms and money to school by next Wednesday if you would like to purchase their pictures.
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Joyce & Kerri
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